Advertising & Media Design

You can be promoting yourself every minute of every day but if you’re talking to the wrong people you are wasting your time

Marketing Strategist

Effective advertising design and marketing is about presenting the right message, to the right people, at the right time and in the right way.

Aligning those four factors and ensuring they are properly considered will generate results.

  • The right people – means knowing your ideal target audience
  • The right way – means knowing where to find those people and what they are most likely to engage with. An ad in their local press or targeted via social media might be more effective than a poster in their high street.
  • The right time – trying to sell a product to someone before you have established enough brand connection is like proposing on your first date. You have to build a connection and establish trust first.
  • The right message – is knowing what your key message is. What it is that you offer that serves a need or solves a problem for your customers.

The S2 data-driven design approach means our customers can have confidence that the work we create for them is delivering the results they need. It’s never a one-size-fits-all scenario.

We have devised pressure campaigns for government and legislative bodies, public awareness and persuasion campaigns, product advertising for national magazines and special awareness magazines too. Every situation is unique. Every client is different. Every client’s needs are different. And the desired outcomes vary hugely too.

Human psychology plays an enormous role in how we communicate and elicit a response from our audience. We are fascinated by how people make decisions and what factors influence those decisions. Understanding the interplay of motivations and human needs is a fundamental aspect of creating effective marketing and advertising design for materials.