Bar:Kode outdoor sign

Bar: Kode

Bar: Kode.  The name derives from the distinctive black and white flooring and the ceiling beams which gave a jumping-off point for us creatively for both the name and visual styling. We had to alter the spelling to make it identifiable and distinctive – if anyone wanted to locate the bar in a google search they would likely get three million irrelevant hits if we’d used the traditional spelling of barcode.
The logo image itself takes a standard format barcode and breaks from the rigidity of the lines to bring life and dynamism into what would otherwise be a rather stark and formal identity. The idea was to suggest breaking from the normal ranks and routines of our daily lives and alludes to the connecting and mingling of social interactions found in most city bars.
Shown are the exterior sign, stationery and application of the identity to the interior of the bar space and window decals